Years ago I was fortunate enough to assist Horst Rechelbacher, a very popular hair stylist in Minneapolis in the 1980s.
He had asked hair stylists in the area to help him prepare models for a big fashion show.
While I handed him hair pins as he was creating the coiffurier's master piece
I rustled up the nerve to ask him if there was a difference between African American hair and caucasian hair.
He answered "hair is hair"!
I was taken aback at the thought.
Could this be true?
After all, my hair was kinky and dry.
My white clients had quite different hair. Soft, smooth, and it blew in the wind.
How could it be possible?
Hair is Hair?
Years later Horst Rechelbacher is a world class hair expert.
On hair health and products to support it.
Horst started "Aveda", and sold it to Estee Lauder a few years ago.
I never liked Aveda for its conditioning ability. It just didn't do what it tried to convince me it could do.
However they did formulate a few products that were close, for the short term.
The cosmetic industry has done lots of research on how black women and men spend their hard earned cash.
On personal care lotions etc. they found that black people spend 80% more money than their white counter parts.
The idea that "hair is hair" suddenly became a whole new science.
The Este Lauders and the L'reals of the world got the idea that they could help African Americans in their search for that magic bullet that would resolve my confusion.
Hair is Hair?
No magic, but lots of research went into why African Americans have such problems growing healthy hair?
The research is paying off.
Big name product lines are bringing seriously helpful science to bottles on the shelves of a salons near you.
My desire to be neutral on all product lines prohibit me from naming them. Even if I did give names, there are so many different types of hair that only the ones that I could name may not work for your hair type.
The search is still on, but your chances are much better in finding something that will most definitely work for you.
Remember! You get what you pay for.
So! If you want to increase your chances at success?
Go to a trusted upscale salon, and ask if you could talk to a stylist who sort of looks like you for best results.
Malls have lots of them.
The Salon where I work takes much pride in the products we sell. We have to satisfy many ethnic groups with all types of hair.
If you have questions about what products to use, black, white or m
racially mixed. Go to the “comments “ window and send me a question. I will do my best to share some valuable ideas. Thanks for you attention!
A good place to start for growing healthy hair!
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Sunday, May 19, 2013
All Mixed Up!
Mixed race children/people who have not been raised in a traditional African American home are met with much discomfort in the beginning. Soon as it becomes necessary to tame the mane of a person with kinky or even extremely curly hair.
This hair should be understood before you become frustrated. First off a mom of a child with kinky hair needs to know that if you ignore it, it will not go away.
The sooner you understand that this type of hair needs special attention, the better your child will look at those times when you want to be proudest of her.
The things that work on Caucasian hair may not work on the child's hair.
I say " may not" because the range of hair types goes from straight to really kinky.
The shade of the skin does not indicate how straight the hair will be.
In my family we consider ourselves African American, but it is not that simple.
What do we do with the Irish, and French that are definitely apart of who I am.
One of the first things that the women in my family had to deal with was their hair.
From soft silky curls to the most difficult hair to deal with in terms of kink.
Please don't be intimidated by finding help in a salon that caters to African Americans? Even though YOU might get strange looks, as soon as the crowd sees you with a brown sugar baby, hearts will melt and help is right there for the asking.
Understand that your child's hair belongs to people who know what to do with it. Trust is difficult especially when you hear words that would not apply to hair as you have come to know it.
If you hear someone say that the "grade" of your child's hair is nice or course, etc., this is how African Americans talk about the ease or difficulty of the treatment your mixed baby's hair needs.
The types of treatments are going to be time consuming, and not cheap but it is a responsibility that has to be taken seriously. Slacking is not an option.
Just as important as a great hair cut is to the person naturally straight hair is, the proper attention is as important to your kinky kurly kid. May be even more important because, if kinky hair gets matted, sometimes the only solution is to buzz it off. Little girls of any color would probably hate it!
I believe that any question that you have is innocent, and even though you might get weird glances from the stylist, I encourage you to ask about any puzzlement you might have.

My friend "Nyah" is showing us what the proper attention to the hair from a very young age looks like. Her mother is serious about making sure that her girls are treated with great care! Regularly and timely attention. Thanks Char, and Nyah. Beautiful!
Tommy the Hair Guy:-)
This hair should be understood before you become frustrated. First off a mom of a child with kinky hair needs to know that if you ignore it, it will not go away.
The sooner you understand that this type of hair needs special attention, the better your child will look at those times when you want to be proudest of her.
The things that work on Caucasian hair may not work on the child's hair.
I say " may not" because the range of hair types goes from straight to really kinky.
The shade of the skin does not indicate how straight the hair will be.
In my family we consider ourselves African American, but it is not that simple.
What do we do with the Irish, and French that are definitely apart of who I am.
One of the first things that the women in my family had to deal with was their hair.
From soft silky curls to the most difficult hair to deal with in terms of kink.
Please don't be intimidated by finding help in a salon that caters to African Americans? Even though YOU might get strange looks, as soon as the crowd sees you with a brown sugar baby, hearts will melt and help is right there for the asking.
Understand that your child's hair belongs to people who know what to do with it. Trust is difficult especially when you hear words that would not apply to hair as you have come to know it.
If you hear someone say that the "grade" of your child's hair is nice or course, etc., this is how African Americans talk about the ease or difficulty of the treatment your mixed baby's hair needs.
The types of treatments are going to be time consuming, and not cheap but it is a responsibility that has to be taken seriously. Slacking is not an option.
Just as important as a great hair cut is to the person naturally straight hair is, the proper attention is as important to your kinky kurly kid. May be even more important because, if kinky hair gets matted, sometimes the only solution is to buzz it off. Little girls of any color would probably hate it!
I believe that any question that you have is innocent, and even though you might get weird glances from the stylist, I encourage you to ask about any puzzlement you might have.
My friend "Nyah" is showing us what the proper attention to the hair from a very young age looks like. Her mother is serious about making sure that her girls are treated with great care! Regularly and timely attention. Thanks Char, and Nyah. Beautiful!
Tommy the Hair Guy:-)
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Can we talk?
I am a licensed cosmetologist who has been doing hair for more than thirty five years.
With all the years behind me, I still run into situations and concerns that are new to me.
I am interested in helping anyone with any type of hair problem that you might have.
Please let's begin a conversation about what YOU NEED ANSWERS to.
If you want to challenge any opinion I have put in this blog, please consider that I am still learning and you can help me. So? Let's talk.
Go to the bottom of the blog page and leave a comment or ask a question?
I am looking forward to hearing from you!
I'm curious about how my blog is applied in your life?
Don't be shy!
Tommy the Hair Guy:-)
For a little help seeing what’s going on top:-)
With all the years behind me, I still run into situations and concerns that are new to me.
I am interested in helping anyone with any type of hair problem that you might have.
Please let's begin a conversation about what YOU NEED ANSWERS to.
If you want to challenge any opinion I have put in this blog, please consider that I am still learning and you can help me. So? Let's talk.
Go to the bottom of the blog page and leave a comment or ask a question?
I am looking forward to hearing from you!
I'm curious about how my blog is applied in your life?
Don't be shy!
Tommy the Hair Guy:-)
For a little help seeing what’s going on top:-)
Saturday, May 4, 2013
After the Relaxer What Now?
Commitment is key!!!
The perfect formula for the after relaxer care consists of taking your little girl to the salon every other week until she can do it herself.
The formula an ideal that is difficult to attain, unless it rains money in your neck of the woods ?
Teaching a child to do as much as possible until a responsible capable person can supervise or just do it.
An idea that a relaxer will somehow damage the child's hair forever is absolutely not true!
What is true is that parents think that the relaxer will free them of the need to maintain the child's hair properly.
While a relaxer will make the job easier the hair needs constant observation.
Tangles alone are enough to turn pretty hair into a matted mess, unless you don't mind dread locks.
Make sure all tangles are gently combed out(not brushed). Brushing gives the illusion of tangle free hair, when what is happening is that tangled hair get covered by smooth brushed hair.
Tangles will remain under the brushed hair.
Another option for busy families would be to braid the hair which could be the solution for any maintenance issues because it needs less attention. Neatness is the most important issue. Wash and rebraid when braids get fuzzy.
There are different styles that might keep your young lady from getting tired of the same look.
Platting long natural hair when unbraided gives a full crimped look for longer hair. Make sure that the ends are trimmed for a healthy appearance
When tied back in a pony tail it will create a puff tail.
Corn rows look neat under hats, caps, clips, bows etc.
Corn rows can be kept neat by wearing a sleeping cap or scarf at night.
Braids look best when washed and re-braided on a weekly basis, although many moms like to wait two weeks.
Two weeks and no more because stuff can get lodged in the twists and turns of a braid and could become a live culture of who knows what?
The perfect formula for the after relaxer care consists of taking your little girl to the salon every other week until she can do it herself.
The formula an ideal that is difficult to attain, unless it rains money in your neck of the woods ?
Teaching a child to do as much as possible until a responsible capable person can supervise or just do it.
An idea that a relaxer will somehow damage the child's hair forever is absolutely not true!
What is true is that parents think that the relaxer will free them of the need to maintain the child's hair properly.
While a relaxer will make the job easier the hair needs constant observation.
Tangles alone are enough to turn pretty hair into a matted mess, unless you don't mind dread locks.
Make sure all tangles are gently combed out(not brushed). Brushing gives the illusion of tangle free hair, when what is happening is that tangled hair get covered by smooth brushed hair.
Tangles will remain under the brushed hair.
Another option for busy families would be to braid the hair which could be the solution for any maintenance issues because it needs less attention. Neatness is the most important issue. Wash and rebraid when braids get fuzzy.
Platting long natural hair when unbraided gives a full crimped look for longer hair. Make sure that the ends are trimmed for a healthy appearance
When tied back in a pony tail it will create a puff tail.
Corn rows look neat under hats, caps, clips, bows etc.
Corn rows can be kept neat by wearing a sleeping cap or scarf at night.
Braids look best when washed and re-braided on a weekly basis, although many moms like to wait two weeks.
Two weeks and no more because stuff can get lodged in the twists and turns of a braid and could become a live culture of who knows what?
Good hair begins with good treatment for ALL hair types.
All hair is good if you understand how to treat it!
Truly the Hair Guy!
Mr. Tommy
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Children Have Hair Too! What can I do?
This entry is meant for any child who needs a permanent relaxer intervention.
The most troubling service that I have ever been faced with is doing a relaxer on a child under 12 years of age.
Many mothers in this country are faced with having children and wanting to return to work after having a baby as soon as possible.
The troubled economy has made an impact on how I am asked to participate in a young families life in terms of taking care of the hair of an infant girl's hair.
The fact that, in a two parent family, both parents needing to work means that a little girl who needs a lot of help with her hair has a hard time looking as sweet as the parents would like.
What is a little girl to do?
If a young family can afford it, they will take her to a trusted cosmetologist for help. Very often, if the child is under an age that the stylist is comfortable working on, the child will be turned away. Fearing of damaging the child's hair, and the possibility of seriously burning the scalp.
Burning the scalp could cause scaring that might prevent healthy hair from growing forever.
Being faced with the desperation of parents needing to free up time that would go into the hair care of a young child has created a stressful conversation. The parents may threaten to find somebody to do it no matter what.
Now what?
If anyone has ever thought that the life of a hair tech doing his job is a fluffy job?
Please consider the trust that is given to the stylist by parents who have no choice but to place the care of their most beloved possession in your hands.
The trust that the stylist has in his own ability to do such a job has to come from a place of loving care and the ability to understand the descriptive words of a child who does not have full command of there own language.
Is your heart pounding like mine is right now? Just writing the passage give me palpitations!
I have washed the relaxer out of the hair prematurely. Hearing the words " Mr. Tommy my head itches" demands immediately that I make an important decision.
To wash or not to wash???
I wash. No matter what. I wash the hair immediately.
Sometimes the relaxer has been left on long enough, but most often the hair doesn't have even relaxation to do much good.
So it needs to be repeated in a week. This is a corrective service and is done with no added charge to the parents.
I should have turned the kid away!
Sometimes you just need to suck it up and move gently and cautiously forward.
Tommy the Hair Guy.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Uncommon Knowledge!
The Permanent Problem
When talking about Perms (relaxers or curly permanents) there
are cultural influences that confuse the simple term (perm).
People with highly textured hair ”kinky to extremely wavy” call
relaxers “perms” and people with naturally straight hair might call curly
permanents “perms”.
What makes the term “perm” apply to all types of hair, no matter whether the hair needs to be
relaxed or curled? The mere fact is that if it changes the structure of the
hair permanently it is a perm.
Hair colors are rarely referred to as a “perm” color, rather
the description “permanent color” is most correct to keep terms from being
“Good News For bad hair” articles are meant to give clear
understanding for clients to use common terms that a stylist will most likely
With that said, another
thing that clients need to understand is when ever any type of permanent
product is used the product will affect the hair till that hair is cut of
A half inch a month is average for new hair growth, so for
12 inches of new growth you would arrive one year after your permanent service
at a point when you could have a different permanent done.
I have heard clients say that they had a permanent color six
months ago so now they want a relaxer.
Well, if you have 12 inches of permanently colored hair and
now you want it relaxed you will have devastating results if you are not using
a relaxer that is specifically designed for this service.
They do exist!
Research different product lines and ask lots of questions.
Tommy the Hair Guy
Friday, April 19, 2013
Is That a Brazilian On Your Had?
A Brazilian on your head.
Brazil has been forever etched in the minds of most Americans as a place where beauty and rich culture is a way of life and celebrated the world over. From some of the most beautiful people in the world to the most beautiful music in the world.
Tommy the Hair Guy
Brazil is a country of people of great ethnic diversity.
The Brazilian Indians, Africans, Europeans bring different physical characteristics to the current population.
The skin, hair and eye color.
Given by each country's genetic information, blended together offers a pallet of color for Mother Nature to create a population of people with breath taking beauty.
Africa and the characteristics it offers to the mix, brings texture to Brazilian hair. From tightly coiled hair to a fuzzy mass of kink, the European's idea of beauty is not any of these. Brazilians, like people all over the world want the typical European smooth, silky, shiny, soft, etc hair.
Brazilians are also known for their artistic nature, as well as scientific know how.
A Brazilian artistic scientist created the Brazilian Keratin Treatment.
Brilliant person!!!
Also known as BKT, this treatment has given the world of cosmetology a tool that can render the fuzziest and turn it the most beautiful soft, silky, and shiny hair one could ever imagine.
This process is truly a God send for people who could use more control of their coif in very hot humid weather.
Anyone living in Florida has probably known about the BKT for a few years now! The use of BKT in an irreplaceable tool for maintaining smooth, silky hair in the most humid weather.
The chemicals that are used to make this miracle possible have been viewed by many people as dangerous and toxic.
The truth about many things like carpeting, and countless other necessary household appliances can bring issues of toxicity into our lives. Innocently bought without question, we live day in and day out with products that are difficult to live without. Literally living with chemicals that will not be rinsed away after we use them.
Like anything that comes in contact with our skin and respiratory system BKT does give off fumes that can effect us. Dryness of the eyes nose, and mouth. Even light headed ness has been experienced by myself and others working near the service area while the process is being administered.
Unlike the fumes given off by our carpeting (even after cleaning) still release gases that can be more harmful than our exposure to the chemicals in the Brazilian Keratin Treatment.
The gases are rinsed out totally and a sheath of protective keratin is left behind, to do its magic!
I am a certified instructor for a brand of the Brazilian Keratin Treatment and have reviewed information supplied by O.S.H.A. Available to the general public for consumer information related to safety.
There are clear safety guide lines for its use, and if one is exposed for more than eight hours there may be toxic affects.
A technician has to be aware of information from O.S.H.A. for safety guide lines.
BKT is safe but as with any chemical, please be careful!
This double process can actually could help hair grow, but the amount of heat must be considered!
Thank you Brooklyn !
I can not advise doing this process yourself, a professional will know all the safety rules and the out come will be more consistant.
Tommy the Hair Guy
Sunday, April 14, 2013
It's Not Just About Hair!
If you have been reading my blog you may have thought I don't approve of relaxers.
I'm going to preview some of the goods I sell from time to time, so please look for more info on where I'll be selling things you might need.
This not at all the case!
I have been chemically relaxing hair for almost forty years. Wow! It doesn't feel like it's been that long, but it is true.
I can only guess that the fact that I love doing what I do has sped me forward in time?
I am very grateful to my clients who have followed and stayed with me through the years, people like the Honorable Judge Pamela Alexander, who has been one of my
greatest supporters in my private life as well as my business. Thanks Pam!
Many of my clients are responsible for the speedy passage of time while I'm behind them doing their hair.
My responsibility to my clients is to do my very best in my delivering a service that keeps them looking good, and feeling the joy we share as we visit.
It's not just about hair.
We laughed together and what would life be without a few tears.
I have lots of "soap operas " brought to me daily.
At times it's not easy being so close to so many people, but at the end of the day I go home thinking about the load of lives I take home with me in my memory. I love my days of caring for my lovely friends. And I feel that they care for me too!
This blog entry is not meant to do anything, but to let you the reader know how I desire to bring knowledge and as much care as I can through the process of blogging.
This is a wonderful way for me to let it all out. To give away all of the knowledge I have accumulated over a span of forty years. LOTS of stuff between my ears. I don't want it to go unused by anyone who could benefit from it.
Please don't think that this a "goodbye" entry, I can't afford to retire yet.
Good thing I love my job!
Which leads me to something else that has been firing up a different set of brain cells.
I have a gift store! Online!
This summer Minneapolis will sell permits to venders who will sell their goods at flea markets around the city. I will be selling items from my store in a physical way.
But if you can't wait you can find my store "American Gift Resource "
Yours truly
Tommy the Hair Guy
Friday, April 12, 2013
The idea that stress is why ones hair falls out could be true, but who can really answer that question?
Your Doctor by asking you a series of questions might be able to help, however before going to see your doctor check and make sure that you or your hair professional are not causing the hair loss ?
After years of hearing ladies express concern that their hair is coming out, the only thing I can do is make sure that I am not causing it by choosing treatments and processes poorly.
Asking about hair care at home has revealed a problem that can be easily remedied.
Education is a powerful tool!
Your hair stylist can only tell you what he or she has license to tell you.
When the stylist has exhausted all theories to no positive out come, the only thing that can be advised is to talk to a dermatologist!
There are so many systemic reasons for falling hair and making sure that falling hair does not come from a more serious problem go see your doctor.
So in the mean time read webmd's suggestions!
"Easy Does It
One other way to thin hair is self-inflicted - hairstyles like cornrows or too-tight braids can cause hair loss called traction alopecia.
All of the things women do to manipulate their hair -- dyes, chemical treatments, bad brushes, blow dryers, and flat irons -- can result in damage and breakage, Roberts says. This includes brushing too much and towel drying aggressively when the hair is wet.
Luckily, for most of these issues, the hair grows back or the loss can be reversed with medical treatments. But it is important to see a dermatologist if there seems to be something wrong, because the sooner treatment is started, the better the chances are for improving your growing season."
Please leave comments and questions in the comment box.
Tommy the hair Guy
Monday, April 8, 2013
Haunted Hair?
The phantom haircut
There is a phantom cutting
your hair and she might be using YOUR HANDS!
It is
very easy to stop the phantom hair cutter from keeping you from your goal if attaining
beautiful long hair.
brittleness that happens after relaxers and heat on dirty hair, makes the
phantom show up when you are doing your best to be sleek, smooth and shiny.
YOU might be the culprit who is inadvertently braking and crushing the ends of
your hair by starting to turn your curling iron to soon.
condition is called “fish hooking”.
The next
time you curl your hair make sure you don’t start turning your curling iron
until all your hair that you are trying to curl enters the curling barrel and
the blade.
If you
notice that this is happening you will also notice the ends look like spikes or
even a jagged sort of a blunt chop.
maintain the healthy unbroken ends ask your hair stylist to trim your ends up
to the healthy ends to give your hair a reprieve.
At this
point remember to make sure that all your hair goes totally through the curling
iron blade and barrel before turning the curling iron.
I also
want to remind you about trying to curl your hair with any heated tool. DON’T do it on dirty hair! Wash your hair every three days if using heated tools.
This will
also conjure up the phantom from the dark place that wants to break your hair.
There is
another phantom cutter and she shows up at night while you are sleeping in
phantom whispers in your ear and tries to convince you that you will save time
in the morning.
You might
lose a little time looking for the rollers that miss phantom pulled out of your
hair deep in a night of tossing a turning. When you find the fallen rollers you
will also find strands of hair still neatly curled up in that roller. Now imagine
seven nights a week of hair being literally pulled from your hair.
No wonder
you can’t get long hair!
You may
ask? Well smarty pants, tell me how I can curl my hair and not lose time in the
putting rollers in your hair DRY. Place a plastic cap on your head and enjoy a
nice warm shower or bath.
nice warm shower or bath.
When you
get away from the humid air in the bathroom, after you have dressed and had
your tea or your preference of your kick starting beverage.
Take out
your rollers and style. Be you tea full!
Get it?
Good luck
Tommy the Hair Guy
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