Friday, April 19, 2013

Is That a Brazilian On Your Had?

                                              A Brazilian on your head.

Brazil has been forever etched in the minds of most Americans as a place where beauty and rich culture is a way of life and celebrated the world over.  From some of the most beautiful people in the world to the most beautiful music in the world. 
Brazil is a country of people of great ethnic diversity. 
The Brazilian Indians, Africans, Europeans bring different physical characteristics to the current population.

The skin, hair and eye color. 

Given by each country's genetic information, blended together  offers a pallet of color for Mother Nature to create a population of people with breath taking beauty.

Africa and the characteristics it offers to the mix, brings texture to Brazilian hair. From tightly coiled hair to  a fuzzy mass of kink, the European's idea of beauty is not any of these. Brazilians, like people all over the world want the typical European smooth, silky, shiny, soft, etc hair.

Brazilians are also known for their artistic nature, as well as scientific know how.
 A Brazilian artistic scientist created the Brazilian Keratin Treatment.

Brilliant person!!!

Also known as BKT, this treatment has given the world of cosmetology a tool that can render the fuzziest and turn it the most beautiful soft, silky, and shiny hair one could ever imagine. 


This process is truly a God send for people who could use more control of their coif in very hot humid weather. 
Anyone living in Florida has probably known about the BKT for a few years now! The use of BKT in an irreplaceable tool for maintaining smooth, silky hair in the most humid weather.


The chemicals that are used to make this miracle possible have been viewed by many people  as dangerous and toxic.
The truth about many things like carpeting, and countless other necessary household appliances can bring issues of toxicity into our lives. Innocently bought  without question, we live day in and day out with products that are difficult to live without. Literally living with chemicals that will not be rinsed away after we use them.

Like anything that comes in contact with our skin and respiratory system BKT does give off fumes that can effect us. Dryness of the eyes nose, and mouth. Even light headed ness has been experienced by myself and others working near the service area while the process is being administered.
Unlike the fumes given off by our carpeting (even after cleaning) still release gases that can be more harmful than our exposure to the chemicals in the Brazilian Keratin Treatment. 

The gases are rinsed out totally and a sheath of protective keratin is left behind, to do its magic!

I am a certified instructor for a brand of the Brazilian Keratin Treatment and have reviewed information  supplied by O.S.H.A. Available to the general public for consumer information related to safety. 

There are clear safety guide lines for its use, and if one is exposed for more than eight hours there may be toxic affects.

A technician has to be aware of information from O.S.H.A. for safety guide lines.

BKT is safe but as with any chemical, please be careful!


This double process can actually could help hair grow, but the amount of heat must be considered!

Thank you Brooklyn !
I can not advise doing this process yourself, a professional will know all the safety rules and the out come will be more consistant. 


Tommy the Hair Guy

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