Just because I've made a living chemically altering billions of strands of hair in my life, never let it be said that I don't like the look of natural or natural looking hair.
I love the look of a woman confident in the fact that she looks regal, feminine striking, and any other adjective that would describe beauty.

Heather Robertson.
Natural hair is a topic that needs as much attention as hair that has been chemically altered.
Curly, kinky, nappy. No matter where you find your hair in the texture spectrum. Highly textured hair (curly, kinky, nappy)tends to be dry in its most natural state and almost always needs some kind of product to help deal with what can sometimes be an overwhelming mass (mass not mess).
The search for the prefect pomade is as difficult as describing what hair type needs which product.
My suggestion is to when you find something that works for you don't stop there. Keep looking!!! Don't get stuck thinking that you have found the ultimate hair dressing.
Bio chemists have not for gotten that there is gold mine in your natural hair.
Conditioners and pomades can give you control.
We who wear our hair naturally can smooth the texture of our hair for a while with products like solid grease (Murray's) to olive oil. We also need to keep our hair clean.
If your like me? Your hair styles better a day or two after you shampoo. If this is true for you? Please! Wash your hair once a week, maybe two weeks, but all that product could start to smell pretty sour.
Now if you want something a little more permanent you could try a chemical texturizer.
Texturizers is a very mild formulation of the lye( sodium hydroxide ) relaxer.
Lye only sounds scary. Lye relaxers come in very mild to very strong formulas, and BASING the scalp is necessary because it can burn. Even though they may burn they work more slowly. The milder the lye relaxer the slower it works. This means that you can catch the curl at the time you need it to stop relaxing.
No lye is so aggressive it straightens very fast.
Fast and takes a while to burn, but it rarely comes in different strengths. But always very fast and aggressive.
Naturally yours!
Tommy the Hair Guy
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