Sunday, June 10, 2018

Hey Heidi Hey

Besides being a Cosmetologist, on my breaks and weekends I am an Uber driver.
Which is how I met Heidi, a nanny nurse and school teacher.

We talked on her way to her favorite gig as a nanny, and for some reason I told her about this blog “Good News For Bad Hair”. I really didn’t think she’d  look it up, and as I’m chatting away she says
“ I found it ”! To my great surprise she had found it on her phone!

I tried to very quickly explain what the blog is about.

The goal is to help people in areas of the country and the world where there is limited access to a salon or hairstylist.

She got it immediately!

I shared that the toughest thing to do with a blog is to stay relevant and to continue to give relevant information.
 If I don’t stay on top of what people want and need, I am not relevant!

So! We talked about this delema and before she got out of the car, I realized how to stay relevant.

To get people to respond and comment on my blog, I am offering a hair product of your choice under $30.00 dollars, once a month.
To give you something to respond to, comment on the product you would like to receive.
If there is a favorite product or treatment over $30.00 dollars, please tell us what it is.
You will not receive the more expensive product, but you can still select an item which you will receive under $30.00 dollars.

Thanks Heidi, you automatically will receive a gift for helping me out!

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